00:46:11 Tracy Dezenzo: Tracy Dezenzo, SD Commission for Arts and Culture and I represent District 2 My email is tracyld10@cox.net 00:46:18 Tracy Dezenzo: The city has put together a helpful toolkit to help city residents and organizations navigate the application process for murals within the public right-away. A couple of examples could be crosswalk murals and intersection murals. The city requires that any artwork proposed for property owned by the city, under the jurisdiction of the city or both, be reviewed by the Commission for Arts and Culture and be approved by the city but they are now using the placemaking application processes to make the application process more streamlined. If you are interested in proposing a mural for City property or the public right-of-way, please review the mural application process and toolkit to get started. https://www.sandiego.gov/sites/default/files/mural_toolkit_fillable.pdf If you’re a Twitter user, please follow @SDArtsComm to stay up to date with Commission funding announcements, deadlines, exciting news and projects. 00:55:28 PCPB Host korla eaquinta: Supportmylibrary.org/takethesureveymasterplan 01:02:11 Margaret Virissimo: Excellent Question Fred! 01:12:54 Kohta Zaiser: SDHC Rental Assistance: https://covidassistance.sdhc.org/

Convention Center Volunteer/Donation: https://sbcssandiego.org/

Library Survey: https://surveyhero.com/c/sdpl 

I’ll continue sending updates about SLA and OB Pier as i receive them.

Kohta Zaiser
Mayor Gloria D2 Rep
ZaiserK@sandiego.gov 01:14:35 Monique Tello: Storm Water Maintenance Prioritization open until April 23, 2021: https://www.sandiego.gov/stormwater/services/maintenance. If you have prescriptions you've been waiting to safely dispose of, don't miss DEA National Prescription Drug Take-Back event on April 24, 2021. More information: https://takebackday.dea.gov/ Beginning Friday, April 16 at 8 p.m., construction crews will install new water mains through the intersection of Sports Arena Blvd. and West Point Loma Blvd., which will require lane reductions. Here's what to expect. Closure Dates/Times: Friday, April 16 at 8 p.m. to Monday, April 19 at 5 a.m. Monique Tello - moniquet@sandiego.gov Council President Jennifer Campbell’s Office 01:28:19 Margaret Virissimo: Please send me the info for opening a safer San Diego that I can share with our community. Thank You 01:29:02 Rachel Granadino: e-mail: rachel.granadino@asm.ca.gov cell: (619) 431-0674 District Office: 619-645-3090 https://a78.asmdc.org 01:48:05 Andrew Harvey: It was great to see everyone this evening. If you'd like to reach out to our office please feel free to message me at Andrew Harvey Community Representative Andrew.Harvey@SDCounty.ca.gov Work Cell (858) 285-5664 01:52:06 matt schalles: for context (inspiration?) the cargo bike disaster relief I mentioned https://disasterrelieftrials.com/ 01:55:45 Gia Ballash: Should you have additional questions or comments regarding the San Diego Regional Military Installation Resilience effort, please feel free to contact April DeJesus or myself at: april.dejesus@sandag.org or gia.ballash@sandag.org. Thank you! 02:04:00 Tracy Dezenzo: I have to go everyone. I’m having some serious pizza port food coma and need to lay down. I will see you next time 02:22:47 matt schalles: thank you. goodnight all!